kulinar Team
Discover Auvergne- Rhone Alpes - France

The “HAMy” Franchise aims to create a network of charcutiers who self-produce their own realizations but integrate Auvergne ham and sausage products for resale.

Our Franco-Filipino team is in charge of building the success of a national network of delicatessens

Guide in Gastronomy : Olivier Spanneut

Manager La Marmite
La Marmite distribute the Best Quality Stove in Philippines !

Guide in France : Francois Renaut

Native of Paris : A real Parisian will guide you during your sejour
Was Vichy consultant Spa International in Romania !

He is one of manager of Kulinar Group.


Guide in Vichy : Didier Berger

in the Middle of the picture
Leading a Vivhy Spa International mission in Romania - City of Breaza

Remarkable or Exceptional Distinction

  • We select Quality in Cusisine Domain
  • In Philippines with Evaluators

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